
Getting greatness out. Giving greatness back.

Our commitment to sustainability.


At Brown, we believe that efficient citrus production shouldn’t come at the cost of the environment. So we work to save water with every innovation we create, to cut emissions with every orange we squeeze, and do whatever it takes to keep our planet in tip-top shape. After all, you can’t have great tasting citrus without a healthy environment.

Our innovations work well with Mother Nature:

  • Brown citrus oil recovery saves 49 liters/MT of water as compared to competing systems

  • Our citrus extractors consume zero water during the extraction process

  • Our machines average 33.4% lower energy consumption compared to our competitors

  • Compliant with energy usage standards and plant audits

Excellence is in the details.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for information on a possible partnership. Our team of engineers and food scientists are available to answer any questions you may have.

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